What we means?

In 1992, then Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating makes a remarkable speech over indigenous issues. He pledge sorry for them by the acts against that people. Now, the australian version of UK Guardian mewspaper does an analysis of that address made an twenty two years ago by linguistics view.

The Redfern speech is interesting effort to reconciliation among australians. The indigenous has pursuited for many year for racist act made by th state. The move comes by Labor PMs like Gough Whitlam, Bob Hawke and Paul Keating. They’re vows to not tolerate the prejudice against that people.

The article written by Gavin Harris is very interesting to explain the use of the word we in many languages the speech was translated. In that address, we means “we non-indigenous australians”. Others sentences which said “We committed the murders.” and he added: I think what we need to do is open our hearts a bit. All of us.

Many indigenous leaders aren’t trust on Keating’s speech. They is so emotional address made by another Labor PM, Kevin Rudd in 2007 where he pledge sorry for all aborigine Australians by the acts made by previously governments like forced adoptions and don’t recognises them as Australians nationals.

The Redfern speech is a pivotal moment on Australia’s history because a Prime Minister has acknowledge the trouble legacy of racism and prejudice against indigenous ones. Now, Australia is prepare to change history and makes further steps to reconciliation among Australians for a better future.