Sunak loves migrants…in Rwanda

The new immigration law has been approved by UK parliament which asylum seekers will send to Offshore centres in Rwanda to their process to be analysed by Home Office to get a permanent residence in UK. British prime minister Rishi Sunak says this law will stop the boats in english channel. It becomes law after a legal battle in courts and house of lords. What’s it means: Sunak loves migrants…to be far from him.

Sunak easy off climate policy to calm down tories and britons too

The UK economy face many problems nowadays. Today, British PM Rishi Sunak says he’s commited with climate policy, but he announces a easy off measures like the end of sales for petrol and diesel cars from 2030 to 2035 and new policies to help landlords and citizens to update their homes to attend the new standard. The former PM Liz Truss has supported it. What’s it means: Don’t tell it to Greenpeace and Greta Thunberg….